MTD for VAT is compulsory For VAT periods starting on and after 1 April 2022 all VAT records must be recorded digitally and returns must be submitted under the Making Tax Digital (MTD) regime. If you are not already submitting your VAT returns using MTD-enabled software (or asking us to do so) you need to […]
Category Archives: Newsletter
New MTD filing penalties Filing VAT returns using making tax digital (MTD)-compatible software will be compulsory for all VAT registered traders for periods beginning on or after 1 April 2022 unless HMRC agrees that the taxpayer is exempt. Sole traders will also have to file quarterly and annual income tax reports using MTD software from […]
Universal Credit claimants to keep more wages Many employed and self-employed people claim Universal Credit as they have low or unpredictable levels of income. It provides a much needed top-up to their earnings but the benefit is reduced as the worker earns more due to the Universal Credit taper rate. Currently the taper rate is […]
Going digital in advance of MTD From 6 April 2023 all unincorporated businesses will have to keep their business records in a digital format and submit quarterly reports derived from those records to HMRC using MTD-compatible software. These are the basic obligations under making tax digital for income tax self assessment (MTD ITSA). The start […]
Beware of mini umbrella companies Umbrella companies employ temporary workers such as contractors on behalf of employment agencies or very large companies. The umbrella company will operate the payroll and makes money by taking a cut of the fees earned by the individual. An umbrella company should provide each worker with an employment contract and […]
IDEAL SALARY FOR 2021-22 As the owner and director of your own company you decide how much salary to take each year. We can help confirm what the optimal salary is for you in 2021-22. Paying yourself a small salary can be a good way to maintain your national insurance record to build up state […]
Corporation tax complexity The Chancellor announced that taxes would have to rise, but not quite yet, as all tax rates except for VAT are frozen for 2021-22. Large companies will then see their corporation tax rate rise from 19% to 25% from 1 April 2023. Companies making no more than £50,000 per year in profits […]
Third SEISS grant The online claims portal for the third self-employed income support scheme (SEISS.3) grant opened on 30 November. If you qualify for the grant you should receive a lump sum payment covering the three months from 1 November 2020. You have until 29 January 2021 to submit your claim. The grant is calculated […]
NEWSLETTER September 2020 Is it a car or a van? Whether your business buys a car or a van can make a big difference to the tax relief given on the cost of the vehicle and to the tax payable by the driver who uses it for private journeys. In both cases the tax position […]
NEWSLETTER June 2020 Self-employed grants If you are self-employed and your business has been adversely affected by COVID-19 you may be eligible to claim a grant from HMRC of up to £7,500. To qualify for this self-employed income support scheme (SEISS) you must meet all of these conditions: you traded in 2018-19 and submitted your […]